Super Saver Combos!

Be a Hapster

Inclusivity and representation are what we strive to achieve at Hapso. While being a voice for the urban culture, we need your help to make the world a better place by accepting people as who they are.

Our socks are made in a way that you feel confident while using them and stand out from the crowd, wherever you are.

If you feel like showing the world how awesome you look in our socks, use #inlovewithhapso to get your shots featured on our Instagram community.

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  • We are proud to say that Happyccino Designs, our registered company is now recognised by Startup India.

  • Happyccino Designs, parent company to Hapso is a multidisciplinary studio featured in the HINDU for our excellence in the field of art and design

  • Our proficiency in the field of art and design has led us to be featured in the Indian Express and Indian Express edeX

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